Hello readers! Dottore Gianni does not want to repeat the entire introduction, but if anyone is just starting with the Bloggo Historico you might want to have a quick look at the beginning of Part 1 for clarification.
For the rest of you, Part 2 will take you to approximately where I end the first semester of the course. I think I'll divide the second semester into three parts, but stay tuned! And continue to enjoy!
The University Wits was a college
that educated English students during the Renaissance. (!)
Friar Bacon and Friar Bugle
(the second friar in this title of a play by one of the university
wits, Robert Greene, is actually named Bungay, but I really like Bugle!)
Shakespeare’s histories are
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Shakespeare |
History plays were loosely
structured and were usually tetralogical in order, i.e. trilogies.
History plays are widely thought of
as Shakespeare’s more boring plays and are not as widely preformed.
Shakespeare’s comedies were about
the pursuit of the love, the wooing of the love, and then the capturing of the
Problem plays contained dark
underbellies (!) and some comic
I can’t describe Shakespeare’s
problem plays -- that’s why they’re called problem plays.
One of Shakespeare’s romances is, I
believe, The Turning of the Shrew.
Shakespeare’s romances are really
difficult to define. Like, in The
Winter’s Tale -- is or was she
really dead?
Shakespeare was said to have written
so many plays that they had to be broken up into categories: histories,
comedies, and tragedies.
Henslowe was the leader of the Duke
Admirable’s Men.
(this student is thinking of the Lord Admiral, not the Duke
Many Elizabethan playhouses were
located across the Themes.
An Elizabethan Public Playhouse |
Elizabethan theatres were outside
the city, as the fathers of the church didn’t think it was appropriate to have
theatre on moral ground.
In an Elizabethan theatre, the
audience closest to the stage, the best seats, was standing only. This was not
considered the best seating. (???)
The Globe was famous for
Shakespeare, the Swan was famous for being burnt down.
The Glove Theatre had the misfortune
of being burned down.
The Fountain Theatre, the only
rectangular public theatre in Elizabethan times, was one of the last to be
(close – the student is referring to the Fortune)
Jon Benson wrote court
(that would be Ben Jonson – interesting inversion)
Indigo Jones...by Indio Jones...by
Ingino Jones…
(All of these refer to the designer of court masques, Inigo Jones)
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Inigo Jones design for the masque Florimene |
The court masques were highly
spectaclized. They were highly stylized, used a lot of color and
controlled make-up.
Court masques were skepticals that
were performed by the king. They became more about the skeptical than the
The Court Masque was an award given
by the king to someone who made a great commitment to the theatre.
The court masque was a form of
theatre created to worship gods.
John Ford wrote the tragedy ‘Tis Pity She’s a Whorse.
(to which I can only say neigh…sorry, make that nay!)
The autos sacramentales were highly
religious Spanish plays, very secular.
In Fuenteovejuna, the Futile lord of
the town has been raping and murdering his servants.
Fuego Lorca…Fentevejo
(attempts at the difficult-to-spell play by Lope de Vega –
interestingly, the student writing the entry just above these gets the very
difficult title right, but botches the less difficult word “Feudal.”)
Lope’s most famous play is about the
death of Horatio and the quest for revenge by his son Geronimo.
(much confusion below about the mosqueteros, or musketeers, who
stood in the patio (similar to the yard in an Elizabethan public theatre)
The mosquito area of the Spanish
auditorium was standing room only.
The mosquitoes are the lowest class
at Spanish theatres.
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The Spanish public theatre at Almagro still in use today |
In Spain, the pit was called the
patio and its inhabitants were mosquitoes.
The back of the patio was called the
mosqueteros, where people like musketeers stood.
Mosqueteros were the cheapest tickets for standing
room in the patio behind the benches.
Above the refreshment stand in a
Spanish theatre unaccompanied women called cazuelas sat.
In the back of the theater was also the cazuela, which was a kitchen where women
would cook food
second floor balcony also known as a cazuela,
is where unescorted women would sit. This was often thought to be a ‘stew
pot”. Above this, on the third floor were the tortillas where city
officials would sit.
(the first sentence here is a good answer for “cazuela, unlike those
above it – the direct translation for cazuela is “stew pot” or “casserole” –
but instead of tortillas the area above the cazuela was la tertulia – close,
but you’ve got to like tortillas!)
The stage of the Spanish corral
theatre had no trust like that of the Elizabethan public theatre.
Actresses in companies of the Spanish Golden Age
were required to be married or otherwise related to a male member.
Adding “of that company” after “member” would have helped immensely here)
In 1640 the Cardinal Palais decided
to build a theatre in his home.
(the cardinal was Richelieu, the Palais Cardinal was his home)
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Cardinal Richelieu |
(re several entries just below, the French Academy was not an
acting troupe, but was a gathering of scholars hand-picked by Cardinal Richelieu to discuss literary issues. The group quickly became the arbiter of taste in French literature, including its drama. The group took Corneille’s play Le Cid to task for trying to squeeze too many
events into the 24 hour structure – one of the three “unities” – not units – of time, place and action – and
otherwise pushing “verisimilitude” beyond appropriate limits. I hope this helps! I hope some of you remember!)
The French Academy started as an
acting troupe in France. (!) It’s
power came from the cardinal who started the
company. Corneille’s Le Cid was produced by the Academy, and then dissed
in the press.
The Academy’s role has proved to be very useful
in controversial situations like that of the play The Cid written by Richelieu.
Corneille was attacked for his play
Le Cid by the University Wits (Greene, Kyd, and Marlowe).
Corneille wrote his play within a 24
hour period and he was heavily criticized.
In Le Cid Corneille breaks the rule
of the three units.
(as noted above, read “unities” for
Most of Corneille’s plays dealt with
family or social issues and proved to be rather dull.
Racine put complex characters in
simple plots. Therefore, it was neoclassical.
Racine was successful at
accomplishing Neoclassical rules because he presented the epilogue at the
beginning of the play to inform the audience of the current events in order to
be able to use the rules of time, place, and action correctly. (eh?)
Racine loosely followed neoclassical
rules with his play Dr. Faustus.
Moliere wrote for plays for The
Rose, including Dr. Faustus.
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Moliere |
In all of Moliere’s plays there is
always a older man who is quite a braggot. Everyone makes fun of
him. Moliere even has a maid fool him. This is very
controversial. How could a stupid maid outwit a wealthy man?
Madeleine Bejart was a very
permiscious individual.
Madeleine Bejart was 24 years older
than Armande, and while said to be her sister was rumored to be her daughter.
Some thought that Armande [Bejart}
was the daughter of Moliere and Madeleine, but I don’t know about that.
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Armande Bejart |
While playing in The Imaginary Illness, a
play about a hypochondriac, Molière collapsed on the stage.
The Théâtre du Marais produced such comedies and
tragedies as Un Chamber A Quatre Portes, or
A Room With Four Doors and Palais A Volonte, or The Place In Front of The Palace.
play titles are actually descriptions of two basic settings in French theatre
at this time, the first for comedy, the second for tragedy – this student had
clearly pulled an all-nighter!)
Theatre existed as pubic
entertainment in the Restoration. (ahem!)
Revivals were plays performed again
for the very first time.
Nahum Tate called King Lear “a
string of pearls on a doorknob.”
(it’s Shakespeare’s Lear that Tate refers to (he wrote his own
“improvement” of the play, but the phrase he used about the Shakespeare is “a
string of pearls unadorned.” I suppose you could hang a string of pearls on a
doorknob, however!)
In heroic tragedy, the hero and
heroine are united in the end by rhyming couplets.
(LOVE this!)
Heroic tragedies were based on Greek
and Roman plays. The verse was in prose.
Aphra Behn wrote The Rover, which
dealt with the sexual rampage of women.
Aphra Behn specialized in comedy of
Comedies of manners were about
permissiveness, sexual connotation, and deceit.
The Comedy of Manners never invades
heavy types like wits and family. (???)
Ehterige, Wycherley and Congreve
were all writers of the form called comedy of errors. (!)
(Below, fops in general and Sir Fopling Flutter in particular
caused some confusion)
Etherege used handsome young men and
the flops.
Etherege liked to make fun of
society, mostly the lower class, called foplings.
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Colley Cibber as Lord Foppington |
In addition to the young galliants,
Etherege also included clumsy foxes.
Etherege wrote a play called Sir
Flopping Flutter.
Etherege wrote Sir Flopping Futter.
Etherege wrote Sir Fopply Flutters.
Etherege’s plays include Sir Foply
of Fullerton
Sir Flopping Fopper
Sir George Etherege began the Fop’s
Troupe, which really consisted of a bunch of flops players.
What Etherege also did very well was creating a
subplot as well as subtitles. (???)
There is a mix of the unique and
School for Wives in Wycherly’s play, The Country Wife. The main character
claims that he has been castrated so he would be trusted by other men. He tries to get with a Pinchwife, who is
disguised as a boy, and succeeds in the end.
Robert Greenege wrote The Way of the
The Way of the Worlds
Congreve wrote Wise Words to the
Convert’s Way of the World is an
example of comedy of manners.
The actor Thomas Betterton and particularly the last name of
actress Anne Bracegirdle proved another source of confusion for some, below)
Betterton was known for his vocal
Famous Restoration actors include
George Bennerton, and Anne Bingertude.
Another woman that had contact with
Betterton was Ann Barnedirdle.
A Restoration actress was Anne
Anne Bracegone acted in the
Restoration theatre.
Anne Bracegirdle became famous for
the pants roles. In some circles, it was rumored that she was secretly
married to Corneille.
Armande Bridegirdle was a
Restoration actress known for extreme beauty and her role as Millistrude in The
Way the World Works.
Betterson tutored Anne Gardegirdle.
With her legendary status still in tacked Bracegirdle was buried
in Westminster Abbey.
Nell Gwynn had an affair with the
actor Charles Heart.
(Hart, but I'll bet she broke his heart!)
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Nell Gwyn |
Nell Gwynn became mistress to
Richard II.
Nell Gwyn had two sons by Charles
II, one of whom died....
Nell Gwyn usually played the orange
wench (a character who gave out oranges to the poor).
Nell Gynn was a peach wench.
Nell Gwynn’s specialty was dressing
up in men’s clothing and delivering the prologues and epilogues of plays,
called the “breeches roles.”
Nell Gwynne was most known for
breecher roles.
II became interested in Nell Gwynn during the prologue to Dryen’s Tyrabbuck in Love.”
(that would be Dryden’s Tyrannick Love)
Charles II impregnated England with actresses on
stage. (???)
In many western European countries women were
allowed to perform in things such as Beijing opera.
Jeremy Collier was a French
playwright who wrote Le Cid. The Academy
ripped him to pieces, so he took a couple of years off and bitterly wrote “A
Short View of the English Stage.” (!)
As the prosenium entered the theatre
world, it drastically effelte the
approache of scenery.
The pricinium arch changed the
In the 17th century the first
parmecious arch theatre was built.
(Interestingly the first proscenium arch is usually thought to be
built in the Teatro Farnese, in the city of Parma – quite a word this student
The [scene] changes came from the
wing and shudder system.
Wing and groove, which was
instituted by Terence, (!) is a form
of scenic spectacle.
The Wind and Groove system was used
at the Farnese Theatre.
(uh-oh! here comes that “wench” again):
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Not to repeat, but this is a winch... |
All the poles were attached to one
wench; one person could turn the wench...this was much smoother than
having one man on each flat.
The European theatres [of the
eighteenth century] seem to have gotten elaborate and as big as they
could. The scenic systems were working well and everyone was happy--who
could get in.
A new method of scene design was
sceana angela.
Scena per angelo
The Bibiena Family--seven Italians
expanding three generations and invented scana par anglo.
(Scena per angolo – angled scenery – is what the students above
refer to, not scenery by Angela, or by angels, or even by Angelo…and by Italians, not
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Bibiena sketch for scena per angolo |
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